So, you’ve read our Anal Sex Guide and made the decision to try anal for the first time, but where do you start? It can feel a little daunting when trying something so new and different in the bedroom – after all, everyone is always keen to share their anal horror stories. Well, we’re here to tell you that there’s nothing to worry about! With the right preparation and care, anal can be one of the most exciting, fun and, most importantly, pleasurable things you’ll do in the bedroom.
From preparation to the use of anal toys, our anal sex preparation guide will tell you everything you need to know before embarking on your first ever anal adventure. Just read on, get ready and have the time of your life!
OK, OK, asking ‘what is anal?’ might seem like a pretty obvious question but stick with us on this. Anal sex is about much more than just penetration and preparing for any sort of anal play is equally important. Anal is a term that encompasses a whole manner of play around the anal area. This ranges from foreplay like rimming through to using toys such as a butt plug or anal beads and penetration as part of intercourse, either with a penis or a strap on dildo, sometimes known as pegging.
So, is it safe? Well, anal sex is perfectly safe, if you’re properly prepared. It shouldn’t be painful and certainly should not cause you any damage or injury. First time anal can be a slightly scary prospect for some people, so remain relaxed and take your time to get yourself fully prepared to help ensure nothing goes wrong. As the old saying goes “fools rush in” – this is never truer than it is with anal!
We’re not going to lie to you here, anal can sometimes be a little uncomfortable at first, and we’d always recommend that you stop what you’re doing if it begins to hurt too much. However, with the proper preparation and a patient build-up, you can help avoid discomfort and instead enjoy all the wonders that anal has to offer.
If you’re losing your anal virginity, just like losing your vaginal virginity, there’s always a chance of a little discomfort at first. With more practice over time, this should start to improve. Remember, if it hurts too much or continues to feel uncomfortable, just stop!
Once you've settled on the idea of trying anal and the time comes to get down to business there are several things to remember to help ensure a good time. Remember to always keep things at your own pace, so if you’re with a partner, tell them if you need to slow down or want to abandon the idea. Just follow our step-by-step guide to prepare for anal and you should find yourself having a great time in no time!
Lube Lube Lube!
There’s no better place to start when it comes to anal, lube really is your best friend in this situation! Unlike vaginal penetration, there are no natural bodily fluids released during anal, meaning that you’ll need a good lubricant to help with any penetration, whether it’s a finger or something a little bigger. The more lube the better!
Go Solo First
Just as masturbation can help you learn your body and figure out what you like, the same applies to anal. Have an experiment with anal masturbation on your own, when the pressure is off, and you have time to discover your limits. Once you get to doing it with a partner, you should feel a little more prepared for what to expect and be able to guide them to what you like.
Take Your Time
We said it before, and we’ll say it again – don’t go rushing in! There’s nothing worse than an over-zealous partner catching you by surprise. Make sure you take your time and build up to any anal penetration. Nobody’s going to have fun if you take things too quickly.
Keep Communicating
Before, after, during - communication is absolutely key as part of preparation for anal. Discuss your limits, what you do and don’t want and continue to do this throughout. If something’s uncomfortable make sure your partner knows, or if you’re playing solo, try something a little different if it’s not working for you.
Relaxing can mean many different things to different people. Some prefer to prioritise making sure they’re clean beforehand. Our rimming guide has some great tips on cleanliness which can help remove any paranoia about people playing in that area. The tenser you are during anal, the more likely it is that you’ll feel some discomfort as those muscles around the sphincter stay tensed up. Some deep breathing can help to release these.
Introduce Toys
Sex toys are the perfect thing to help ease you into anal play. Instead of jumping straight from finger to penis or strap-on, they offer a nice middle ground and are all designed to feel great. Butt plugs come in a range of sizes, so you can easily graduate up through them at your leisure. Anal beads and anal dildos also offer great options for those who want to use a toy to prepare.
There is somewhat of a mystique built around anal sex at times, and it can make the idea of trying anal play feel intimidating. There’s really nothing to worry about though; as long as you’ve discussed the idea properly and feel certain it’s something you want to do, it’s all down to good preparation.
Just follow the steps and remember to have fun! Remember, failing to prepare means preparing to fail!
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