This statement has been published in accordance with section 54(2) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by Ann Summers (UK) Holdings & Ann Summers Ltd (and its subsidiaries)i during the period ending 30 June 2022 to prevent modern slavery in its business and supply chains.
Ann Summers Limited’s principal activity is the retail, wholesale and marketing of lingerie, apparel, adult toys, and related accessories. Ann Summers Ltd sells through its 86 stores in the UK, Ireland, and Jersey, distributes to its network of Direct Selling Ambassadors, operates a UK based web channel that serves both UK and International customers, and has a well-established third-party channel.
Our product supply chains are global, with around 70 suppliers operating across 95 factories in 10 countries throughout the UK, US, Europe, and Asia.
Ann Summers Limited’s immediate and ultimate parent undertaking is Ann Summers (UK) Holdings Limited, whose Group activities are principally those of Ann Summers Ltd.
We have an established approach to Modern Slavery in our product supply chains as part of our commitment to detect, prevent, and respond to any modern slavery and human rights issues in our supply chain. All suppliers are required to sign up to and comply with our Code of Conduct which outlines our zero-tolerance approach to forced labour.
We also operate a Whistleblowing hotline internally which enables colleagues to report any wrongdoings and extends to human rights violations including Modern Slavery. We also actively encourage our suppliers to provide a confidential and anonymous whistleblowing platform or service for their employees, colleagues agents and contractors.
We recognise that our biggest exposure to Modern Slavery is in our product supply chains and therefore undertake:
This year, we held a supplier conference to kick off a series of improvements around how we work with our product suppliers. Part of the conference raised awareness of the Modern Slavery Act and Human Rights, as well as our zero-tolerance approach to human rights abuses and reiterated our expectations of them if they become aware of any Modern Slavery within their supply chains.
We recognise the need to keep Modern Slavery risk on our agenda and will continually assess our policies, controls, and training (both internally and in conjunction with our suppliers) to ensure that this risk is mitigated.
This statement was approved by the Board of Ann Summers Ltd.
Jacqueline Gold CBE
Executive Chair
13th December 2022
Vanessa Gold
13th December 2022
iList of subsidiaries for GGI Holdings Ltd
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