Preston (1073)

Ann Summers Preston

130-131 Fishergate 1 Cheapside
Preston, Lancashire PR1 2AH
Opening times
Bank Holiday:10:00-17:00
About this Store
Find everything you need from lingerie to sex toys in our Ann Summers Preston store and enjoy expert bra fitting services. Browsing our new collections is made extra special in this beautiful store.

This store operates a perfect fit guarantee! If we don't carry your size, you can order straight to your door with the help from our bra fit experts.

  • Expert bra fit
  • Sexpert Toy Advice
  • In-store Ordering
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Getting to us
By Bus
Come out of Preston train station, turn right and walk up the high street for approx 10 mins.

By Train
Drive to St George's Shopping Centre, walk onto the high street and turn left, then walk up the road.

By Car
Local parking is available and a short walk away from the store, or you can park at St George's Shopping Centre.